Yoga can be more exactly described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses. Yoga is a spiritual science of self-realization. Yoga methods include the complete ground of our survival, from the physical, emotional and mental to the spiritual. Its methods contain moral disciplines, physical postures, breath control, as well as meditation. The whole system of Yoga is built on three main structures exercise, breathing, and meditation.
Proper understanding Yoga Types and benefits of yoga that can make a huge and permanent difference to your life. So here are six types of Yoga:
•HATHA YOGA: Hatha Yoga makes the spine more flexible. This in turn enhances blood flow so that more oxygen and nutrients are available to the spine. HathaYoga is helpful in slows down the aging process, safest and healthiest mode to lose weight, awakens and enhances vision, improves simplicity of feelings, focus and build up powers of attention.
•KUNDALINI YOGA: Kundalini yoga gives unique consideration to the role of the spine and the endocrine system, which is a vital part for yogic beginning. This yoga is practiced strictly under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher
•MANTRA YOGA: Mantra yoga meditation involves chanting a word or phrase awaiting the mind and emotions are transcended and the super awake is obviously exposed and practiced. The essential technique is japa, or mental repetition of the mantra to invoke that energy in our selves.
•JNANA YOGA: Jnana-Yoga is the path of Self-realization through the exercise of gnostic understanding or, to be more precise the wisdom associated with discering the Real from the unreal or illusory.
•KARMA YOGA: It is the path of selfless service. It is the source of true peace and happiness It means result of an action. There is a unknown power in Karma or action termed 'Adrishta' which brings in fruits of Karmas for the human being. Thisyoga is the key for making the worldly path a divine path, by helping genuine good people.
•BHAKTI YOGA: Bhakti Yoga is the system in which love and devotion to God are emphasized. It is a path of complete surrender You perceives everything as God and God in everything.
•RAJA YOGA: It is a practical and systematic path, Raja Yoga known as the eightfold path because it is made up of eight angas, or limbs, they are Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas, Pranayama Control of Prana (life force, vital energy), Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.